Thursday, June 18, 2009

I LOVE checking the weather. It's one of those things you know you have absolutely no control over whatsoever, and yet a lot of your day depends upon it, and because of this I'm left completely vulnerable and thereby completely obsessive about it. Anyway the weather is actually going to finally start heating up just in time for finals, just in time to start sticking to chairs and sweating in disgusting amounts when you're already stressed out enough all ready. Lovely.

The strangest things make me sad. (I actually wrote this on my ipod a few days ago and just remembered now so excuse the complete irrelevancy) Like ice cream truck drivers. Now, when you enter the ice cream truck driving industry I'm pretty sure you're aware that you're not planning on living a profitable life - not unless you manage to come up with a company but that's beside the point. Anyway, you drive an ice cream truck because you love the job, because (well, at least I imagine) you love ringing the little bell and giving kids something they love. But can you imagine how disheartening it would be to get all happy about playing the ridiculous jingle and pulling up to a place with a lot of kids, only to get no one to come? I don't know why - but it's just a really depressing thought for me - when you think you're providing people with a service, when in reality, no one really cares or doesn't want the help.

Today I had my last official studio art c;ass and realized how much I was going to miss it, it was the one class you could never really dread going to and it was such a perfect atmosphere. Especially I love how much Mrs. Stangle was like a mommy, all getting us to huddle and talk about our art and share and be jolly. Ha.. I don't even know! It was such a brilliant year!

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