Wednesday, June 17, 2009

30 views. Wow. I'm really moving up in the world.

Yesterday, I really impressed myself, and managed to sleep from around eight at night to my wake up time of five thirty.. I'm fairly positive it was the most sleep I got on a school night all year and it's just coincidentally enough that I accomplished this with less than a week and a half left in the school year.

Finals are coming up and I haven't really prepared.. at all. If I startq
getting ready for them this weekend, though, that will actually not be procrastinating for me. I kind of perfected this techniue during midterms called "only studying for the final the night before, starting at around eight o'clock." The theory was that I could pull pretty close to an all-nighter, then go to school, take the tests, come home, and sleep and basically continue the cycle. It was actually a pretty solid plan, so what's a little suffering now if my grades benefit and I can make up all the sleep in the future? This weekend I think I'm going to ask my mum to take me grocery shopping so I can start drinking coffee, only for finals though. I'll probably get some ridiculous kind of blend that is so sugared down and flavorized (word? I think not) that it won't even really maintain most of the properties of coffee, since I'm kind of a whimp about that stuff. Not to mention (and I just realized this now) coffee taste.. kind of memory triggering.

If this blog was a movie - things would kind of get blurry/fuzzy now and some harp music would be playing as we fade into some fairly typical and cliched black and white version of a memory of mine. Beautiful, really.

Went to NHS meeting today - realized that I'm going to have to do some serious bullshitting/life changing to get in. They only accept leaders? Fuck. Hah, not to mention they want volunteers as well.. guess what I'll be doing this summer? Except realistically, I probably won't be. And instead, I'll save it all until the fall where I will force everything together and up and join Mountaineer Volunteers and start the resume packing. Looking forward to that.

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