Friday, June 26, 2009

Despite my present exhaustion and additional need to keep the fact that I am presently awake from my parents, I feel as if I seriously need to blog right now in an attempt to make sure I keep doing this. I basically decided there was zero need to write about the meaningless details of my overwhelming studying process this past week.. so I didn't. The thing is though, when I'm developing a habit I physically need to keep it up on a fairly consistent basis - or else it basically all goes to shit, and I ultimately end up losing interest (i.e. my two-month long attempt at keeping "fit" ). But, yeah, the only good thing about my finals study sessions was my continued path on the way to musical discovery. And on a semi-related note to that, I just discovered that on my ipod I can make an "On the Go" playlist straight from it without even using itunes. I've had this ipod for almost seven months now, and I'm still discovering random things about it.. like this, and the fact that I can take screenshots of the screen with it. Fascinating.

Presenetly, I'm waiting for the rest of my family to go to bed so I can stay up watching late night talk shows to the point where I grow completely and utterly exhausted and fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow. I've had zero sleep this week so far, and I can't seem to fall asleep right now due to far too many thoughts drowning any chance I have at sanity.

Damn. The sleeping plot has been foiled. I hate being the ranty, whining, stereotypical teenager when it comes to my parents but allow me this completely generic rant. My mum and dad fail to treat me as someone they could ever remotely consider an equal. Oh I know: "Wow. Poor you - you can't expect to be treated equality when, in fact, as their child you are the inferior." But the problem is, it's not even necessarily equality as much as it is almost human-like treatment! I'm sub-human to them, apparently. They don't trust me, though I've never given them a single reason not to, and never even attempt to listen to me either. (How average is this, I know..) For example, this summer my father has decided it's vital for me to go to a four day business camp of sorts. Here's the dilemma: I don't care for understanding heavy, computer corporations, presently have no intention in entering the industry my father works in, nor do I really want to be enrolled in a class with a bunch of bussiness school freshmen from college. Yet these points that I've raised apparently are not worthy for the consideration of my dad, as it would be "embarassing for him to tell the head of the program that is daughter, in fact, would not be attending this course." And on another "I'm so misunderstood, pity my life" rant, I find that it is completely impossible to share parts of my life, or have discussions with them. If I bring up drifting apart from a friend, they immediately insist that that cannot happen, and our distance is clearly a sign of my existance as a complete invalid. On an almost daily basis they've made a point of reminding me that I have no friends, and as much as I appreciate being informed of this fact, I have to say it's not necessarily helpful.

But friends - I suppose that's as good as a segway as any to talk about yesterday. After my hand broke off at the wrist following my English and History finals, I went out with some friends (..and their friends) to the mall and basically "chilled". It was nice to get away, just wandering aimlessly, and almost loitering in the expected fashion of high schoolers. We ended up seeing Transformers, and personally I would've appreciated if they could have filled Megan Fox's lips with a little bit more colligen. She's really pushing the envelope on conquering the porn star look, but I'm thinking she needs to look just a bit more manufactured. After that, we went to the McGowans house and Emily and I slept over. It was fun. I can't even necessarily recall all of the specifics that we talked about (oh trust me, though, there are a few things distinctly in my mind - haha) but if there's one thing I fully remember it was the bliss of just being with them, and in the presence of people I love. Cheesy, I know, but they're great, in case you - for some reason - were not fully informed of this fact.

If you want a song for the moment, try Our Bovine Public - The Cribs.

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