Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Things are so repetitive here. If I was to actually make a drinking game out of my life everything would just turn to shit because whoever was playing would be catastrophically drunk in, at the latest, the first five minutes. Like this argument happening in my livingroom right now - every time my dad uses the word "fuck" for no reason whatsoever, as if it is actually furthering his point, one could take a shot. Pathetic.

I've finally decided that this weather is completely exhausting. I can't go outside, I can't "soak up the sun" or whatever else Sheryl Crowe advises. This is gloomy.. and as much as I like thunderstorms, even they aren't nearly as exciting as they once were, back during a time when they weren't occurring every day..

Today I watched Shaun of the Dead and realized how completely bipolar I am (by the way, I did a project on bipolar disorder for health class three weeks ago.. so I'm basically an expert). Lately, emotion-wise has been an interesting time for me.. things have been kind of dulled, and I'm not really sure.. But ANYWAY I was watching this movie, and the entire purpose of it is to make you laugh. I mean, the plot is ridiculous. Basically all of England has turned into slow-motion zombies and Shaun and his friend are going off to save his girl friend and mother, and all these ludicrous things happen.. and I can't even explain! (try: So there gets to be this part, where the main character is crying.. spoilers! .. because he has to shoot his mum in the head because she's about to become a zombie. And in my head I was actually debating crying. Now this is impressive, let me tell you, because I've not considered being emotional like this in a while. Not while watching sad movies, listening to sad songs, suffering moments of extreme vulnerability, not during arguments, nothing. And yet this movie - this hysterical, ridiculous movie was making me consider it. Strange. I wish I could understand myself, I really do. Hmm..

Well.. on a lighter note: Happy Canada Day. I know everyone has been out celebrating in the street this monumental event.. because I know I have.

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