Saturday, July 18, 2009

I love how Creep has been the general population's defining song for Radiohead, when in reality it's easily forgettable amongst all their other songs. Creep could've been from any band in the early ninetines- given the generation of rockish borderline grungy material coming to a slow close. I'm not saying it's not a good song, I'm just saying it really shouldn't be the defining song for people who don't especially know the band. Why is this important and blogworthy? Dunno.. I was just thinking about it today, and it's been bothering me.

If you happened to look to right of the page and then southwards, you will have noticed that my collection of links to websites that can be personalized to pertain only to myself (as if that were all that mattered) has grown. Tumblr is confusing although exciting. It's kind of a combination of flickr-twitter-blogger-facebook, which could possibly explain why the word is such a mess. Anyway, people just post random pictures/quotes/readings they've found on the internet that they enjoy, and then if people like similar things they can follow them and be exposed to more nice things. I've wasted a fair majority of the day on there (and flickr), and I can barely consider it time wasted, when in reality it is since nerd-fest (aka my dad's business camp he signed me up unwillingly) begins Monday. 9AM-4PM, Monday to Thursday this week, I will be wallowing in self-pity - which believe it or not, is a moderate change from the norm - as usually I don't wallow.. just float.

Oh! I just read this fml and it actually made me smirk in reality, I thought I had completely given up on these: Today, I received a "diamond ring" in Mafia Wars (a facebook app) from my boyfriend of 3 years. Along with the ring came a message. It read, "Will you marry me?" He was serious. FML... and in addition to being mildly amused by this Cher just came up on iTunes shuffle (Believe of course, kids!)

On a related note to that FML, that sort of reminds me of what I saw on the MTV show Sixteen & Pregnant. This twenty something year old guy knocked up his sixteen- or seventeen-year-old girlfriend, and then went to Wal-Mart to buy her an engagement ring. Upon purchasing a $21 ring, he then preceded to ask about Wal-Mart's return policy. The show is kind of trashy, out of the six or seven teenage girls that got pregnant, only one of them even considered adoption and did - in fact - give her child to an adult couple. That was the best one, like considering-crying worthy. Basically there were these two kids who were more adult than their own jail-bird, drug-addicted parents were (these parents actually encouraged them to KEEP the baby) and were set upon providing their daughter with the best life possible. It was really.. nice, especially compared to all the other IQ-less parents the show presented. If your ever stuck with a television where Hannah Montana, Judge Judy, CSPAN, and this show are the only options.. try it, it's - er - interesting.

Oh - wow! My "tumblarity" on tumblr just cranked up to a 3. That makes me the 29,065th most popular person in the U.S. on Tumblr.. not even kidding. Things are looking good.

But yeah.. I have a flickr too! A lot of the pictures are really old (as in some from 2004..) but I edited them up, and I actually like some of them. Check it outttt - but set your expectations low, as things are nowhere near the quality everyone with ridiculously amazing cameras can produce.

I have nothing to do tonight, but I'm going to see Half-Blood Prince tomorrow with my uncle! Well, most likely. From what I've read online: something to do with Ginny and shoelaces is disturbing, Rupert Grint is all sorts of brilliant and DanRad on Felix Felicis is hysterical. I was watching him (DanRad) on Alexa Chung the other day (btw, she is easily the most annoying TV host ever. I hate her interviewing style.. and just because she's Alex Turner's gf does not mean she deserves to be paid any attention to. ) and he seemed really funny and genuine, and taller than he comes out as in the Harry Potter movies.. just incase anyone cared.

If you've noticed, I've given up on using the beautiful semi-colon for now. Too much effort goes into me analyzing and trying to decide where I think one should go.

And on an additionally random note - I just remembered music videos exist, which has led to the past hour being spent watching them. It's kind of funny because all the videos for the Last Shadow Puppets are identical. They're basically: Hey Miles and Alex, please walk around slowly and try to resemble the Beatles as much as possible, now mouth the words to your lyrics with as limited of an expression as possible as you wander through various terrains. It's good.

Well, this has been nice.. and fairly limited in random bitchings. I'll end it here.

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