Sunday, July 5, 2009

The ABC playlist has been narrowed down to 228 songs, which is actually much better than I expected. Though I should mention the choices for X, Q, and Z are kind of.. forced, but all and all I'm actually fairly happy with all of it.

Very little has happened lately. I feel kind of cut off from the rest of the world, but I'm not necessarily doing anything to change that so I can't complain.

Today my dad, brothers, and I went out "boating." Which, in fact, mostly consists of the entire Spanish-speaking population of Worcester shooting around on jet skis, laughing at us "gringos" as we putt around in the water on this old school boat my dad brought back from the dead. Oh! So if you happened to drive by the Worcester YMCA today and looked out at the lake - you may have seen me. I was the one sleeping.

My sleeping schedule has been off lately.. even for the summer. I can't sleep when I want to, and end up feeling completely effete (intelligent word of the blog) at the most inconvenient times. I feel like an insomniac.

I've re-read this three times now, and nearly all lexical choices are pretty much failing on me at this point. I'm gone.

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