Saturday, July 4, 2009

I'm still here...

For the first time ever, I'm including a title in this. I don't think it's something I'm going to do again.

Today has been pretty strange so far. I had the house to myself almost all day, since Mum shipped off to work and Dad took the boys out "boating". I sat outside and tried to tan for two hours, listening to my iPod and reading Harry Potter. I was kind of at a point of semi-consciousness where I was mentally stable enough to read the words on the pages in front of me and acknowledge the music drilling in my ears, but not actually able to take too much of it in. If I had to characterize an "out of body experience" it would probably be something like how I was feeling then. It was.. unsettling, and the sense of discomfort was what, I guess, drove me to heedlessly jump into the pool with all my clothes on.

The whole thing was pretty refreshing.. just kind of sinking to the bottom without thinking. In my head, the music that was playing was what I had been listening to moments before, which was Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois - Sufjan Stevens. Everything was peaceful, and still, and when I emerged back at the surface I kind of felt like I had managed to disrupt this sense of stillness and steadiness, and I couldn't help but wish I hadn't come back up. That sounds morbid, and kind of dodgy.. but if you were in my state of mind at the time.. well, it would have all made sense.

After that.. episode, I went back in the house and started working on my ABC playlist. Which, I've decided, is completely impossible. It basically consists of one song starting with each letter of the alphabet. I've narrowed A and B to about ten songs each, and I'm finding it hopeless trying to decide which of the remain 25 songs I have to get rid of for C. I though C was going to be an easy one too.. but nope. So that's what I'll probably end up doing for the rest of the day. Sheer musical solitude.

Also, I hate writing multiple entries on the same day because this stupid layout is a complete failure at showing the difference between them. So below this was written at one this morning. Cool.

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