Thursday, October 15, 2009

My parents' summary of what basically all my teachers said about me tonight at parent night: "LOL. WHO?" The one stretch from that being the fact that Mrs. Ansell said I was chatty. I'm fairly certain this is the first time in the history of my education - scratch that - my life that I have EVER been characterized as chatty. I'm not sure whether to feel proud or concerned.. well, just throwing out a massive question mark there I guess.

I tried to make my parents explain to me why they would possibly want to attend parent night, seeing as the teacher's consistently say the same thing about me every year. They both dodged the question several times, and I think it's just because it is the greatest extent they ever get involved with my schooling. Chances are, though, by next week they'll have already forgotten my teacher's names and we'll just return to ordinary nothingness. Utopia.

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