Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's much easier to blog when you're overwhelmed by an emotion, especially considering the sheer mediocrity of everyday life.

Yesterday I went to someone's house to work on a group project for English. Basically, my entire group is filled with people who procrastinate just as much as I do - which is really not a good thing. We worked for two hours and then ended up watching the end of TDK, Shutter, Superstar, Atonement, and Juno.. then, afterward, I went home and watched Dazed and Confused. Which, made me realize how much this era sucks. The fashion, the culture, the people, the history.. all of it is absolutely astounding throughout the past century. But the 21st century? Total suckage.

And on a semi-related note history-wise.. I feel bad for Obama winning the Nobel Peace Price. I think the backlash he'll get for receiving it is going to outweigh any potential benefit it could of had. And for proof of that check some facebook statuses.. seriously, it's not as if he asked for it or anything, but yet it's calling for complete attention towards something that still really hasn't had a hell of a lot of time to develop.

Oh, so I'm going to my cousin's third birthday tomorrow, which promises to be hilarious. My aunt-through-marriage's side of the family is brilliant. Basically a majority of them are pretty much the product of inbreeding: low IQs, alcoholics, clearly lacking any intelligent reasoning. Like I said, it's brilliant, but I'm still confused as to how this family managed to exist living in New England their entire lives, rather than Mississippi.

Plan for today? Continual movie marathon. Thank you HBO.

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