Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Normally I would delete the last update for being a blatant attempt at attention, but I was thinking about what Katie said in hers about acting as if this was a personal journal and yet editing my own thoughts, and realized that I wouldn't be using the blog for myself, but for others.. so, whatever.

In art we're drawing a skeleton using the "wink-and-squint-up-your-face" method as a means of finding proportions and angles. Basically, I just did half of it ten minutes ago after ripping my original attempts to shreds. I can't focus in art class, ever. I just need to be in my room, blasting some music that I can sing along to idiotically, and then I'm in as close to an artistic state as I'll ever be. Granted, I'm just going to say that it's definitely not my best.. then again though, it's not a painting or anything either, so i should be pleased.

Today I was staring at an ad and legitimately had some sense of desire and wanting to make a zwinky. Needless to say that need passed about one second later. It sounds really funny to me now, especially considering how half my pre-double-digits years spent on the computer were basically preoccupied by building those stupid blonde dolls that always wore pants with g-strings hanging out.. aha, if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about I will be incredibly impressed.

I need to study for a grammar test, the third test this week for me. Ridiculous.

Oh! And downloaded a bunch of bands that start with the letter B today, which has probably been my primary accomplishment. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Black Kids, The Battle Of Land And Sea, Basia Bulat, Balance Problems, Beatbeat Whisper, Bedroom Walls, Bella.. and I still have half the other CDs to sort through. Love it.

1 comment:

    and i appreciate the fact that you've realized that you can write whatever you want on here because i often feel that way too about having to say things to impress others instead of just what i really want to say so thank you for sticking to yourself.

    and the zwinky part made me LOL.
    i definitely just reminded me of our habbo hotel days..and well, you know all about that ahahaha.
