Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Realizations so far this week:

  • This limbo between adolescence and adulthood is somehow overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. A part of me finds this rapid transition between today and yesterday, the start and end of semester, and even the beginning and end of high school as a terrifying concept. Everything and everyone is static and any comfort found in a sense of consistency is lost. Though, at the same time, I think the spontaneity of life is the best part and maybe the benefit of exposing some sense of vulnerability outweighs any idea of protected relief.
  • I love movies. My Netflix Queue is at 100+ and recommendations would be bitchin. My taste ranges from Tron to North by Northwest.. which basically translates to me having no sense of personalized taste. Give me anything.
  • Drawing is not like riding a bike. You can forget it and you might end up just painting useless ink-water pictures for the remainder of class if you're not careful.
  • I'm not sure what I fear more: actually committing to an idea or thinking of the idea in the first place.
  • Random, solitary DPs to faux lesbian Russian pop duos are, without a doubt, the greatest stress relieving activity I can even think of. I can no longer comprehend why I once though that dancing awkwardly during the school day was something embarrassing.
  • I spend a lot more time thinking of the random, inexplicable things I could do throughout the school day than I do actually committing things to action. The moments where I'm quiet and just staring are when I'm thinking about jumping off the ledge in the cafeteria or taking off my shoes and simply walking barefoot throughout the halls.


  1. Children of Men? or have you seen it?

  2. I haven't, but it has officially replaced Donnie Darko at the top of my queue! graciasss
