Sunday, July 4, 2010

Blogger goes through phases. Right now this lull is equivalent to last summer's: "I refuse to conform my blog to fit the expectations that have been unspokenly placed on it. I reject this!" phase.

In other news, I went to a car show today in Worcester - obviously because I have a huge passion for automobiles. While I was there I saw a grand total of six confederate flags, eleven mullets, and two people too fat to walk on their own. I was texting Erin about this the entire time and it helped me stay on task. But no joke.. confederate flags.. really? The entire time I was like "DIS IS MASSACHUSETTS. SRSLY YOU GUYZ, SERIOUSLY?" There was also this guy I saw who had this extreme farmers tan, a porn stache, and a shaved head except for a long ponytail in the back. I tried to snipe a picture of him as I was watching cars burn-out but for some reason the RAZR let me down. Maybe that has something to do with its prime being in the earlier 2000s..? Regardless, it was disappointing because I would've loved to showcase him here. Also. I do not understand what is especially fascinating about watching twenty cars spin their tires so much that they pop and massive amounts of smoke kicks up.. Yet for some reason that's what I spent probably a solid hour and a half of my day doing, along with hundreds of hicks and inbreds. Wait, I'm not judging.

Anyway, on a related note: woohoo. Happy fourth. GOD BLESS UHMERICA.