Monday, August 9, 2010

Let's play a game, blog. It's called Castaway. You can play the role of Wilson and I'll play the role I was born to play: Tom Hanks.

Except.. I don't want to loose you in the water like in the movie, because that would mean all the potential things I always intend to post on here but never do would be totally gone, and I couldn't deal with my only intentions of honest whining disappearing forever. Shit, I'm in a terribly bitter mood. Did I do something wrong?

Wahtevaaaa. I don't care, I don't care about dat shyt cause I'm mad tough, yo'. Plus who needs people when I have you, Wilson.

You know what my favorite word is? It's fuck. How rebellious of me, amiright? No but seriously- I love it. I feel like whenever you use that word there's always so much passion in it, you know? Like.. the word is alive or something. You never passively use a fuck, it's a word you intentionally put down to make a point - even if that point is something like how casual you can be in dropping an f-bomb like no othaa. But anyway, I like it. There's so much fear, so much aggression, so much.. energy. and no other word is like it. I mean seriously, I can't think of a single word that has so much to it.. although I wish there were others like it.. or at least I kind of just want to make one up with someone.. Argh. You're a shitty conversationalist Wilson.

Music sounds its best in a car. In my van the bass is set on as high as it gets, and there's something undeniably incredible about driving through a dark oblivion and listening to incredibly loud, heart thumping, its-like-youre-at-a-concert-esque music. I started a playlist today called aggressive driving and I'm actually going to make this one into a CD. Not like those other CDs I make for hypothetical people, then listen to waaaay too much until I get to the point where I hate the music and no one else ever knows the CD existed. But seriously, this will be a CD to get pulled over to, it'll be sahweet.

Oh. You know what's weird, Wilson? Emotions. Hahah. Except seriously. I was thinking about the way I try to have myself be perceived emotionally and I realized above all I try to make people pity me.. and I don't really know why. Is that just a teenage thing? My self-psycho-analysis basically leads me to conclude that it's kind of an attention issue. If you're pitied there's this level of personal sympathy and a.. connection, I guess? And it's a connection of only the lightest, purest intentions - and maybe I'm just drawn to that? I don't know, I'm irritated with myself right now.

Idk what the fuck this is supposed to be.

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