Friday, February 19, 2010

This picture has absolutely no relevance to anything, other than as an acknowledgment to my own douche-tasticness.

I've been trying for a solid twenty minutes to think of something worthwhile to say now.. but all I can come up with is a LIFE shout out to Andrew Costa. Hopefully that's his first name? Anyway.. generally, I'm a firm believer that Freshman Seminar is a massive waste of time. In fact, the suck-it-up-and-figure-it-out-for-yourself,-kiddo methodology is actually a part of my life philosophy.. but that's irrelevant. The reason behind this expression of gratitude is because that man did manage to change my life, in a way that I'm certain I'll never forget. He taught me how to get rid of the hiccups. That's right. The eternal wisdom behind convincing yourself you don't have the hiccups - even when you do, will forever have a massive influence on me. Not even kidding. Hollaa.

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